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Boletín diario del Evangelio de hoy por email

Daily prayer july 15, 2020. God is my source of strength, hope and healing. Today reflection. Wednesday Devotions of faith

Daily prayer for July 15. Healing for wednesday. Today reflection.

Now pray the daily prayer for July 15. I want you to know that Jesus is always listening. The Holy Spirit within you knows what you need even before you ask God. We invite you to let go of all the disappointments in your heart. Don´t give up. Leave all your worries behind and trust that God is preparing you for a better tomorrow. In the healing on Wednesday, we remind you that God is love and covers you with His power and grace. We will unite ourselves spiritually with your prayers. Be strong and courageous. Trust that God is your best ally in all circumstances of your life.

"Know also that wisdom is like honey for you: If you find it, there is a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off." (Proverbs 24:14)

Time for the Daily Prayer.

Through the daily prayer for july 15, we speak with God, heart to heart, to receive His consolations y His healing. Prayer is only a simple conversation with Him. You can talk to him as if he were your friend, or your father in heaven. Invoke the Holy Spirit to put on your lips what you want to express. In this reflection for today, wednesday, bring out all that emotion that is harming your life and preventing you from having a deep relationship with God.

Daily Prayer for july 15.

My Lord, may my heart be open to your Word in a simple way, because in simplicity I can appreciate the goodness and graces you want to give me. It is not easy to fulfill You when the world offers me "wonders", to have many things, to excel, to achieve material success and the praise of others.

But your grace is sufficient for me, because your power is manifested in weakness. The humble capture your attention; therefore, make my heart similar to yours. Help me to overcome fear and my difficulties and cleanse my soul of negative emotions so that all my actions will be directed by your grace and wisdom.

I want to discover You in the simplest things and attain joy in what is not ostentatious. I open my eyes and my heart and my soul to feel you in everyday life. If I want to remain in your flock, I must include honesty, honesty and simplicity in my life. I want to be among those who trust You completely.

Let us throw into that open wound of your heart all the worries that rob us of peace. Thank you for caring for us, for protecting us, and for providing for us in times of need. Help me to accomplish all that You have called me to do. Strengthen my spirit when I feel weak and fatigue comes to cover me. Heal me mentally, physically, spiritually and financially all my life. Build a path when I do not see where I can go. I trust in your personal care.

Help us to follow You with firm steps and to live Your Word as You lead us safely through these difficult days to the personal victory that each one needs. May we, with your faith and strength, navigate with confidence in these times of uncertainty.

O Lord, help me to trust You as a child trusts, as a child gives himself and loves in Your comforting arms that guard and protect from all evil. I propose to stop living for myself, to get out of my selfishness and to be generous in all that I do. With your love and inspiration, I will be able to do everything. Amen

Now my Lord, I put myself in your divine arms and I am going to take refuge in your Sacred Heart. I trust in your strength that comes into my life. I trust in your blessing that you pour out upon me at this moment to emerge victorious from my struggles and to grow in love, mind and spirit. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Holy Virgin Mary, be my support and my guide.

Holy Virgin Mary, be the salvation of my soul.

Today´s reflection, wednesday, july 15.

"Since you cannot understand Christ without the kingdom he came to bring, your own mission is inseparable from the building of that kingdom: "Above all, seek the kingdom of God and his righteousness" (Mt 6:33). Your identification with Christ and his desires implies the commitment to build, with him, that kingdom of love, justice and peace for all. Christ himself wants to live it with you, in all the efforts or renunciations it implies, and also in the joys and fruitfulness it offers you. Therefore, you will not sanctify yourself without giving yourself body and soul to give the best of yourself in this endeavor".

- Pope Francis, Gaudete et exsultate, I.25

Daily Prayer intentions for july 15.

For today wednesday, remember these words:

"Now, all that has been written in the past has been written for our instruction, that by the constancy and comfort of the Scriptures we might have hope". (Romans 15:4)

Meditate now on what the daily prayer for july 15 has said to your heart. Many times we struggle so much to be in control of things and in that struggle we fall exhausted. What if I told you that your healing came from your surrender to God? When life feels unbearable, you find no way out and you feel like falling into an endless abyss, maybe you want to run away; but keep trusting, keep fighting, give everything to the Lord and you will run the best of your races. He is your refuge and your strength. In Hebrews 4:16 He tells you: "Come boldly to the throne of grace, that you may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. Courage, He understands your weaknesses. In this healing for wednesday, leave your prayer intentions in the comments, express all those desires and feelings within you. God listens to you, he reads to you. We will join you in your intentions. Peace and good. Amen.

Redacción y edición: Qriswell Quero,

pildorasdefe qriswell quero firma autorQriswell Quero, Venezuelan, faithful husband and father of a family. Electronic engineer and missionary of the faith. Committed to the proclamation of the Gospel. Solid believer that there are always new beginnings. Whoever has God has nothing to stop him.

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