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Categoría: Familia

Phrases that you must say to your children so that they grow up happy: You tried hard and everything you did turned out very well.

Are there words or phrases that you can use to motivate your children to grow up healthier and happier? The answer is YES and it is an essential positive reinforcement in the healthy growth of your children.

As we watch our children grow up, it happens that besides the word "very well" sometimes we don´t know what else to say to our children to express our support and confidence in them and see them grow up happy, and this is really very important in their development

And it definitely needs to be done. After all, those words allow them to understand that we love them, understand them and accept them; they are words that for them come loaded with hope and impulse to continue with their normal development.

Phrases of motivation you should say to your children to see them grow up happy.

Child and family psychologist Ekaterina Kes has written a list of phrases you can use to communicate with your child. Great. Guru passes them on to you. Understand the essence of it and say it in your own words, this is just a sketch. Very important: Don´t forget to say "I love you". That´s the main one.

Phrase to show your confidence.

  • "I trust you."
  • "I believe in you."
  • "I respect your decision."
  • "It´s not that easy, but I know you can make it."
  • "You´re doing the right thing."
  • "You understand what´s going on."
  • "How did you do it?"
  • "Show me how you do it!"
  • "You´re doing better than before, you´re getting even better."
  • "I think you´re doing fine."

To recognize effort and/or suffering.

  • "I see you worked hard for this."
  • "I see you worked hard, keep it up."
  • "You tried hard and it worked out very well."
  • "I like the way you do it."
  • "I can imagine how long it took you to do that, that´s how you do it."
  • "I know how hard you worked for it!"
  • "You must have planned it very well for it to turn out so well."
  • "Your efforts were rewarded with a good result, I congratulate you."

Thank you for the time you´ve spent together.

  • "The time we spend together is very important to me."
  • "I´m already waiting for us to play tomorrow."
  • "You´re someone interesting."
  • "I really liked playing with you."
  • "I´m happy to have you around."
  • "I feel very good by your side."
  • To help assess the outcome
  • "What do you think?"
  • "I guess you must feel pretty good"
  • "And what do you like best?"
  • "What do you think of that?"
  • "Do you like the way it looks?"
  • "What do you think, did it come out better than last time?"
  • "How do you feel about that?"

To say thank you for the help or contribution.

  • "Thank you very much for having... (when it´s something positive)".
  • "Thank you for what you did."
  • "Thank you for your help."
  • "Thank you for understanding."
  • "That helps me a lot, I appreciate it."
  • "You´re a very good assistant."
  • "Thanks to your help, it took me less time to finish."
  • "Since you helped me now everything is clean."

Describe what you see.

  • "Wow, your room is so clean!"
  • "How nice that the bed is made!"
  • "What bright colors you use!"
  • "I see that you have tried very hard!"
  • "You did it yourself, I congratulate you!"
  • Describe what you feel
  • "I really like doing this with you."
  • "I´m happy to be home."
  • "I think we´re a team."
  • "I like hearing you say that."
  • "I´m happy to have you."
  • "I feel so good when you help me.

Redacción y edición: Qriswell Quero,

pildorasdefe qriswell quero firma autorQriswell Quero, Venezuelan, faithful husband and father of a family. Electronic engineer and missionary of the faith. Committed to the proclamation of the Gospel. Solid believer that there are always new beginnings. Whoever has God has nothing to stop him.

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