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Pray the daily prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus for June 19. Daily devotion to ask God to grant us peace

Daily prayer for June 19. Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

If there is one thing we should keep in mind today, it is that devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is not a magic rite or some kind of amulet that will bring us good luck in life. This devotion is a sacred way of finding God´s love in his Word, of finding his mercy and embracing his forgiveness. As we progress in our knowledge and communion with God, we will fall more and more deeply in love with Jesus and live that transforming relationship in every aspect of our lives. It brings us unparalleled peace in the midst of storms and is what we will describe here in the daily prayer for june 19.

Daily Devotion for June, 19.

Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus unites our minds, hearts, souls and wills to the pure love of God. He silks in offering to us and we give his entrance by receiving him with adoration as in a great act of oblation, a total gift of himself to the One who has first offered himself for our salvation.

Jesus, besides using parables to give us messages, also uses images to transmit His revealing messages. To see an image of Jesus´ Heart burning with an inextinguishable fire, crowned with thorns and the cross, should call us to reflection. He is saying, look at my heart and see what I am feeling. The thorns around his heart are a representation that our sins continue to hurt him. The flames and the cross serve as a reminder of the suffering he suffered just to save us. The blood represents his own shed blood with which he gave himself for love of us. Without a doubt, WHAT A POWERFUL MESSAGE

Daily Prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

In this daily prayer for June 19, we will turn to that powerful force of God which is the Holy Spirit, to bring us peace and comfort in the midst of the storms we are living through

Dear God, I come to you with an agitated heart in the midst of the crisis to tell you that I need your peace and comfort. I want to calm that restless heart, that troubled spirit because the storms have come into my life like a violent hurricane that strikes the nations.

I need you to remind me of your constant love over my life. Pour healing and grace on those anxious feelings, which don´t even allow me to rest in the middle of the night.

O my good Jesus, my needs and worries can become so overwhelming that I feel like I´m fading away at any moment. You have set us free and you are greater than anything we face in this life. That is why I turn to your goodness. I surrender my burdens to the compassion of your Sacred Heart. There in your hands, it is much more certain that you can find healing.

O Lord, I know that nothing moves except by your will. I feel disturbed now, and I pray that You will grant me the grace of inner peace. You commanded those stormy winds at sea to be calm; likewise, I pray you to command the storms of my life to be calm.

Your love for me is like the morning dew, which comes to bring peace and quiet during the storm. You are the fire that makes my heart burn in my heart, even in the darkest hours I feel your light within me to enlighten me, reminding me to trust you, to rest in your love.

Give me the patience I need to face all these worries and anxieties that have temporarily taken my peace away. Give me the strength to face this test in a better way. Give me wisdom to know the right time to act and patience to endure. In your love I wait, Lord, and trust in your powerful grace. Amen.

Biblical quote for June 19.

"May the Lord bless and protect you. May the Lord make his face shine upon you and show you his grace. May the Lord reveal his face to you and grant you peace. (Numbers 6,24-26)

Act of Consecration to the Heart of Jesus.

By St. John Paul II.

Lord Jesus Christ, Redeemer of the human race, we turn to your Most Sacred Heart with humility and trust, with reverence and hope, with a deep desire to give you glory, honor and praise. Lord Jesus Christ, Savior of the world, we thank you for all that you are and all that you do. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, we praise You for the love You have revealed through Your Sacred Heart, which was pierced for us and has become the source of our joy, the source of our eternal life. Gathered together in Your name, which is above every name, we consecrate ourselves to Your Most Sacred Heart, in which dwells the fullness of truth and charity. By consecrating ourselves to You, we the faithful (person or place) renew our desire to correspond with love to the rich outpouring of Your merciful and full love. Lord Jesus Christ, King of Love and Prince of Peace, reigns in our hearts and in our homes. Overcome all the powers of the evil one and lead us to participate in the victory of your Sacred Heart. May we all proclaim and give glory to You, the Father and the Holy Spirit, the only God who lives and reigns forever and ever! Amen.

Act of trust.

O Heart of Jesus, at this moment I give myself to you and put all my trust in your love. I fear everything from my weakness, but I expect everything from your goodness. To your heart I entrust this I ask...

- Mention your request here -

My Jesus, I count on You, I trust in You, I rest in You. I´m safe in your heart. Amen.

Request and delivery to the Sacred Heart.

O Lord Jesus Christ, come to Your Sacred Heart at this moment of my life, to entrust to You the following intention

- Mention your request here -

Hide me under the depths of your sacred wound. Shelter me in the burning fire of your heart´s love. Let your Sacred Heart make an emptying of me and transfer me with its renewing force. I´m counting on you. I trust you. I throw myself on Your mercy. Lord Jesus, I know you will not fail me.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, I trust in you.
Sacred Heart of Jesus, I believe in your love.
Sacred Heart of Jesus, purify me

So many things I have asked of You, O Sacred Heart of Jesus, but this I implore of You, I ask it earnestly. Take it, place it in your open Heart, present it to the Father wrapped in your precious blood. Let it no longer be my prayer, but yours,

Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in you. I know I won´t be disappointed. Amen.

Daily Prayer intentions for June 19.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, on this day I want you to grant me peace over my life in this moment of crisis that seems to go on forever. Give me your peace, give me serenity, relieve me.

Have you lost your peace of heart? Let us put this in prayer. The daily prayer for June 19 is a cry for help to the Lord to grant us peace in the midst of the storm. Put all the prayer requests in the comments. May that Sacred Heart grant us peace and strength

Redacción y edición: Qriswell Quero,

pildorasdefe qriswell quero firma autorQriswell Quero, Venezuelan, faithful husband and father of a family. Electronic engineer and missionary of the faith. Committed to the proclamation of the Gospel. Solid believer that there are always new beginnings. Whoever has God has nothing to stop him.

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