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Boletín diario del Evangelio de hoy por email

Daily prayer, July 12, 2020. God is my source of strength, hope and healing. Today reflection. Sunday Devotions of faith

Daily prayer for July 12. Healing for sunday. Today reflection.

Pray now the daily prayer for july 12. It is the time to leave behind past pains, wounds embedded in the heart that produce resentment and approach your soul as a dark cloud. Let go of disappointments, surrender, let go of all that burden and trust God for tomorrow. In the healing for sunday, we remind you that God is powerful. Let us pray for You. Be strong and brave, one day at a time. Know that God is your best ally in the face of life´s challenges.

"It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed." (Deuteronomy 31:8)

Time for the Daily Prayer.

Through daily prayer for july 12, we create a mechanism to open ourselves to God´s goodness and begin to feel that we receive His consolations. Begin by adoring the Lord and giving thanks for Him where life and all that you possess, family, goods, relationships, etc. Thank Him for all the blessings He has given you and will give you in the future. Invoke the Holy Spirit of God to put words on your lips that will glorify God. In this reflection today, sunday, bring out of your interior all that emotion that is proving to be harmful to your life and that is preventing you from having a deep relationship with the Lord.

Daily Prayer for july 12.

My Lord, thank you for coming to me, even though I know the number of mistakes I have made in my life. You do not leave me alone, your mercy surpasses all understanding and you give me opportunities to try again and to stand on the rocky road I am walking.

Thank you my God for being attentive to me and to everything that happens to me. Thank You for teaching me that, in every situation that fills with difficulty and burden, there is a hidden teaching that You want me to assimilate for my life, a teaching that will strengthen my spirit, showing me how capable I am in the face of the eventualities of daily life. Thank you for your powerful help, because you have sustained me, without You I cannot deal with the problems, but with your support I am able to go forward and use them for my personal growth.

When I read your Word and see so many examples of men overcoming themselves like David, Paul, Job, Jeremiah, etc., I say to myself that I can do it too. I can also give you fruit with that good seed of love that you have dropped into my heart. Enlighten me to understand what is going on around me and thus apply successful solutions and give testimony to your strength in my life. Put all your encouragement and hope in my heart to be brave and show others the benefits of having you on our side.

O Lord, I pray that You will fill me with peace and serenity to face everything, so that I will not be flooded with fears. You know what worries me and I just need that comforting strength to make me feel in my heart that you love me very much, that I am very valuable and that you will assist me in everything as I discover new ways of blessing that you put in my life.

Come Lord, blow the strength of your Holy Spirit into me and make me a new creature. Prepare me to also be a sower of hope and to continue advancing on the path of your Salvation. Sometimes I fail and will continue to fail; but your love is healing me and will lead me to the perfection you wish to mould in me until I become a true servant of love. Amen.

Now, I put myself in your divine arms and I am going to take refuge in your Sacred Heart. I trust in your strength that comes into my life. I trust in your blessing that you pour out upon me at this moment to emerge victorious from my struggles and to grow in love, mind and spirit. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Holy Virgin Mary, be my support and my guide.

Holy Virgin Mary, be the salvation of my soul.

Today´s reflection, sunday, july 12.

"In order to recognize which is that word that the Lord wants to say through a saint, it is not convenient to entertain in the details, because there also can be mistakes and falls. Not everything a saint says is fully faithful to the Gospel, not everything he does is authentic or perfect. What we have to contemplate is the whole of his life, his entire path to sanctification, that figure that reflects something of Jesus Christ and that results when one succeeds in composing the meaning of his whole person".

- Pope Francis, Gaudete et exsultate, I.22

Daily Prayer intentions for july 12.

For today sunday, remember these words:

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." (John 14:27 )

Meditate now on what the daily prayer for July 12 said to your heart. The next time you feel depressed because you made a mistake or a serious fault, do not think that God points at you, reproaches you, takes you away from his side, turns his back on you and goes away angry with you. Know that Jesus has paid the full price for your sins. Put all your faith and trust in HIM and move on. He died for you to give you a good future and for you to reach the prize of the crown of eternal life. He knows that you are imperfect, and He loves you perfectly anyway. His love and grace cover you. It is time to meditate now in your heart on the reflection for today. In this healing for Sunday, leave your prayer intentions in the comments, express all those desires and feelings within you. God listens to you, he reads to you. We will join you in your intentions. Peace and good. Amen.

Redacción y edición: Qriswell Quero,

pildorasdefe qriswell quero firma autorQriswell Quero, Venezuelan, faithful husband and father of a family. Electronic engineer and missionary of the faith. Committed to the proclamation of the Gospel. Solid believer that there are always new beginnings. Whoever has God has nothing to stop him.

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