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Categoría: Evangelio del día
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Daily Readings for Friday, December 4, 2020. Daily Gospel. Reflection by Pope Francis. Matthew 9:27-31. Daily prayer. Gospel taken from Jerusalem Bible

Daily Readings for Friday - Daily prayer, December 4, 2020.

Catholic Daily Readings for the Holy Gospel, December 4, 2020. Reflection on daily Gospel of Matthew 9:27-31 - "Let us always and at all times turn to the Lord. He can free us from all our spiritual blindness. Let us no longer be blind to joy because we have our eyes on a past of pain. Let us pray to God insistently that He can open the eyes of our soul completely". Let us meditate through the Pope´s reflections to Holy Gospel. Daily Readings and the daily Prayer for your life to get serenity and inner peace on the first Friday of Advent. Get the healing in this usccb Daily Readings Friday.

Serenity prayer for December 4.

My Lord, in the midst of all the hardships and problems, I look to you because you are a source of hope and you give me a peace that the world cannot give me. I now hand over to you all my concerns of this day. I beg you to take away from me all murmuring, all unhealthy words from my mouth. T Through this daily prayer, I get strength from you. Your blessing is sufficient for me to be victorious on this day. In You, I trust. Amen.

These are the daily readings for Friday of the 1st week of Advent.

Readings for Friday.

First Reading for daily Gospel: Reading from the book of Isaiah 29:17-24: "The ears of the deaf shall be opened, and the eyes of the blind shall see".

The Lord says this: In a short time, a very short time, shall not Lebanon become fertile land and fertile land turn into forest? The deaf, that day, will hear the words of a book and, after shadow and darkness, the eyes of the blind will see. But the lowly will rejoice in the Lord even more and the poorest exult in the Holy One of Israel; for tyrants shall be no more, and scoffers vanish, and all be destroyed who are disposed to do evil: those who gossip to incriminate others, those who try at the gate to trip the arbitrator and get the upright man´s case dismissed for groundless reasons. Therefore, the Lord speaks, the God of the House of Jacob, Abraham´s redeemer: No longer shall Jacob be ashamed, no more shall his face grow pale, for he shall see what my hands have done in his midst, he shall hold my name holy. They will hallow the Holy One of Jacob, stand in awe of the God of Israel. Erring spirits will learn wisdom and murmurers accept instruction.

Daily Psalm for Friday.

Psalm 26(27):1,4,13-14: "The Lord is my light and my help." (R).

  • The Lord is my light and my help; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life; before whom shall I shrink? (R).
  • There is one thing I ask of the Lord, for this I long, to live in the house of the Lord, all the days of my life, to savour the sweetness of the Lord, to behold his temple. (R).
  • I am sure I shall see the Lord’s goodness in the land of the living. Hope in him, hold firm and take heart. Hope in the Lord! (R).

Daily Gospel Acclamation.

Catholic Daily Reading acclamation: "Alleluia, alleluia! Send victory like a dew, you heavens, and let the clouds rain it down. Let the earth open and bring forth the Saviour. Alleluia!" (Daily readings for today extracted of Is 40:9-10.)

Daily Gospel for December 4. Matthew 9:27-31.

Daily readings Friday, Gospel for December 4 (The Healing of Two Blind Men by God´s Mercy): At that time, as Jesus went on his way two blind men followed him shouting, "Take pity on us, Son of David." And when Jesus reached the house the blind men came up with Him, and he said to them, "Do you believe I can do this?" They said, "Sir, we do." Then he touched their eyes saying, "Your faith deserves it, so let this be done for you." And their sight returned. Then Jesus sternly warned them, "Take care that no one learns about this." But when they had gone, they talked about him all over the countryside.". (The catholic daily readings and the Holy Gospel, on this page, are from the Jerusalem Bible)

Daily Readings reflection, by Pope Francis.

"Pope Francis: Disturb God with prayer, asking and being persevering."

In the daily Readings, we realize that prayer is a cry that is not afraid to disturb God, to make noise, as when one knocks on a door with insistence. Here is the meaning of prayer addressed to the Lord in the spirit of truth and with the assurance that He can truly hear it.

We see in the daily Readings that the blind, who followed the Lord, cried out to be healed. The blind man at the entrance to Jericho was also shouting and the Lord´s friends wanted to silence him. But that man asked the Lord for a grace, and he asked for it by shouting, as if to say to Jesus, "Do this! I have a right to have you do this!

The shouting here is a sign of prayer. Jesus himself, when he taught us to pray, said to do so as an unwelcome friend who, at midnight, would ask for a piece of bread and some pasta for the guests. Or do it like the widow with the corrupt judge.

With the daily Readings, we see that, in essence, doing so, I would say, is a nuisance. I don´t know, maybe this sounds bad, but praying is a bit like bothering God to listen to us. It is the Lord himself who says it, suggesting praying like the friend at midnight, like the widow to the judge. Therefore, to pray is to attract the eyes, to attract God´s heart to us. And that is precisely what the lepers in the Gospel did too who came to Jesus to tell him: "If you want to, you can heal us". And they did so with a certain assurance.

Thus, Jesus teaches us to pray. We usually present our request to the Lord once, twice, or three times, but not strongly: and then I get tired of asking and forget to ask. On the other hand, the blind men of whom Matthew speaks in the Gospel passage shouted and did not tire of shouting.

Jesus tells us: ASK. But he also tells us: knock on the door! And whoever knocks on the door makes a noise, makes a nuisance, disturbs. These are precisely the words that Jesus uses to tell us how we should pray. But this is also the way of prayer of the needy that we see in the Gospel.

Thus, as we can see in the daily Readings, the blind feel confident to ask the Lord for health, so much so that the Lord asks, "Do you think I can do this? And they answer: "Yes, Lord, we believe! We are sure". Here are the two attitudes of prayer: it is an expression of a need and it is safe.

From Daily Reading, we see that prayer is always necessary. Prayer, when we ask for something, is an expression of a need: I need this, listen to me Lord. Moreover, when it is authentic, it is certain: listen to me, I believe that you can do it because you have promised it. Authentic Christian prayer is grounded in God´s promise. He has promised. Let us remember the words of Isaiah (29:17-21): "The deaf shall hear the words of the book; the eyes of the blind shall see without darkness and gloom". This passage is a promise. All this is a promise, the promise of salvation: "I will be with you, I will give you salvation". And it is with this assurance that we tell the Lord our needs. But we are sure that He can do it.

When we pray, it is the Lord himself who asks us: "Do you think I can do this? A question from which arises the question that each one must ask himself: "Am I sure that He can do it? Or do I pray a little, but do not know if He can do it? The answer is that He can do it, even the when and how He will do it we do not know. This is precisely the assurance of prayer. (Daily Readings reflection, Saint Martha, December 6, 2013).

Daily Prayer Friday, for Gospel.

Lord God our Father, today I want to acknowledge that I am blind to your Presence because many times I do not realize all your loving actions in my life and all the blessings you have given me. Free me from that blindness that does not allow me to see clearly your desire for love. I need your Strength and Grace that disintegrates that darkness that surrounds me, giving me strength and security to go on. Amen. (Healing with the serenity prayer for daily readings and Holy Gospel)

The Pope´s daily quotation.

"Pray and love, here is vigilance. When the Church worships God and serves her neighbor, she does not live in the night. Even when she is tired and downcast, she walks towards the Lord. Let us invoke Him: Come, Lord Jesus, we need you". Pope Francis.

Purpose for daily Gospel.

Putting aside resentment and pain and approaching that person with whom I have been upset for a long time. Forgiveness helps to heal the wounds of the heart.

Video of the Daily Readings.

Enjoy now the video meditation for the Catholic Daily Readings for Friday on December 4, 2020. Matthew 9:27-31. "There is no worse blind man than he who does not want to see. The worst blindness that can exist is spiritual blindness. If you want to open our eyes wide, let us look at the merciful Heart of Jesus." Reflection of the daily reading. Holy Gospel and daily prayer of the Friday of the 1st week of Advent.

Serenity prayer for Friday.

You can meditate now with the serenity prayer for Friday, December 4, 2020. May the Lord always grant us serenity and peace.

"Do you know anything? God loves you, God heals you, God blesses you, God gives you strength. Put that thought in your heart and go out and build your happiness by discarding any resentment that might be interfering with your emotional output. May your soul, body and mind and heart, keep alive the flame of faith. Call the Holy Spirit into your life: "Come Holy Spirit, reach for holiness, give me your seven gifts or at least one to discover day by day the plan of love that the Creator has for me. Give me the wisdom to walk according to your will and be faithful to your precepts. Amen." 

Map of readings for the day.

Daily Gospel Intentions for December 4.

With the Catholic Daily Readings of the Holy Gospel of Matthew 9:27-31, let us pray for all those prayer intentions for today, Friday, that you wish to express. When you meditate on the usccb daily readings, you deepen your personal relationship with God and grow in love. "To the extent that our care is conditioned by our sick heart, it may well be that we are blind. If we let our soul be sick because of God´s emptiness, then we are blind. There are people who are blind to joy because they focus on their sad past. Let us leave behind the spiritual blindness that does not allow us to see the hope of a better future by God´s side". With the daily readings Friday, and praying with the daily prayer, come to write down in the commentaries all that you want God to give you or heal you through the reading of his Word in the Daily Reading for December 4, 2020. Remember this: "The God of the impossible, will not fail his promise of love in your life and will always help you in the moments of the greatest difficulty. Courage. He sends you His abundant peace and serenity at this time in your life. God blesses you.

Another Daily Gospel.

Redacción y edición: Qriswell Quero,

pildorasdefe qriswell quero firma autorQriswell Quero, Venezuelan, faithful husband and father of a family. Electronic engineer and missionary of the faith. Committed to the proclamation of the Gospel. Solid believer that there are always new beginnings. Whoever has God has nothing to stop him.

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